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What is your Love Language?

Since I enjoy my field and learning I have come across some good reads. One book I picked up in between semesters was the 5 Love Languages by Gary Chapman. This book talks about how people express affection over 5 "languages" including words of affirmation, acts of service, receiving gifts, quality time and physical touch. It seems like a simple concept but rarely to couples ask their significant other "How do you feel most loved?" We just assume that our partner feels love the same ways we do whether that be saying "I love you," holding hands or even taking out the trash. Everyone has their own way of expressing and feeling love. I have taken the test to assess my love language once when I was single and yet again in my relationship. While the results changed slightly, I still had the same overriding love language of "Quality Time." When getting into a relationship, I asked my boyfriend to take the test as well. Luckily we speak the same language. We both feel loved when we spend quality time together and really take the time to give our undivided attention to one another. However, this might not be the case with every couple. If you feel most loved when you receive gifts and henceforth shower you partner with presents, they might feel more loved if you simply told them they look beautiful or handsome today (if their love language is words of affirmation.) This is important to identify in any relationship especially marriages. Take the time to figure out your love language at the 5 love languages or pick up the book and enjoy it for yourself.

Future Therapist


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