Hello Everyone!
I am excited and skeptical about writing
this first post. Every time you start something new and unfamiliar it can cause
uncertainty. Additionally if you know me personally, I am not the most
technologically savvy. I have never had an interest in writing a blog; however my
uncle began a blog and mentioned how much joy and fulfillment it brought him.
Also, in my pursuit of my degree I have realized that I acquire interesting and
inspiring knowledge every day that can help others. Through writing this, I
hope to dispel some of my creative juices, express myself professionally and
hopefully light a fire in you with some of the topics I chose to post about.
Please take the time to follow my uncle’s blog at http://adventuresofteacher-dad.com/ and I look forward to writing more.
Future Therapist
Proud of you! I look forward to more of your inspiring posts.