An article was passed on to me today entitled #FitFam: 11 Reasons Why The Fitness Culture On Social Media Needs To Be Stopped. I had some many thoughts about my fellow blogger, Kayla Inglima's opinions I had to respond with a post. It surprises me that she can be so outraged by people trying to improve their health and their lives. This described "cult" is what others would call support. This "self induced lifestyle" she describes as a form of torture takes strength and discipline. No, people who are health conscious do not self loathe after having a cheat meal. Healthy, and I emphasize healthy, individuals do not restricit themeselves completely, they maintain self control of their eating. Nor do healthy foods mean "tasteless" food. More healthy habits need to be a topic of discussion. More awareness needs to happen about what we are putting in our bodies and the effects it has on our health and susceptibility to illness. Americans should think of health as a priority especially with the obesity epidemic that has taken over our country. Social media and technology are contributing factors to overweight children and adults. Less people are spending the time outside and more time in front of the television. If an individual gets inspired by one of these work out videos, pictures or other "FitFam" posts, I see that as a success. Additionally, if it is so repulsive to you as Inglima so eloquently put it in response to a female flexing as "gross," simply do not follow these individuals as fit shaming is just as bad as fat shaming. No one wants to hear your rude remarks. Personally, I admire those who try and do better for themselves. By all means, getting in shape is not easy but step but step you can slowly make self improvements to a healthier you.
Best Regards,
Future Therapist
Best Regards,
Future Therapist
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