My blog posts always inspire what I am struggling with in my life or issues my client's mention to me. I was thinking today that I have had a lag in motivation to go to the gym due to hitting a plateau in not only weight loss but in life. Things have been consistently average which isn't made but often times holds you back from moving forward. So whether you are looking to move forward in your weight loss, career, or in your relationships, here are five ways to get over the hump!
1. Take a step back and evaluate! Question yourself and your techniques and give yourself an honest answer. You might have to journal or go to a quiet space to reflect on this. Are we using the best approach for the best results? Are we committing enough time to this goal? Are we committing enough effort into this goal? Where can I approve? What can I do more of? What will motivate me to push forward? How can I create some new found enthusiasm around this goal?
2. Take a look at your stress levels! Are you dealing with an issue you weren't expecting? Are you more stressed and worried than usual? Are you managing your stress? I tell my client's all the time you can not pour from an empty glass. You have to be full yourself to do the best job in life, in relationships and in your goals. Take that time for self care! You will not regret it.
3. Stick to you habits! Recognize the techniques and strategies that got you to this place and hold on to those. Keep your habits strong and in time they will pay off. It may feel like you are not progress but you just haven't reaped the rewards of your hard work yet. If you have to get back to the basics and what has worked in the past. We become what we consistently do!
4. Fight the negativity! Whether it is from the people around you that are putting down your goals, telling you that you can't do it or don't believe what you know is possible. We all have negative thoughts and doubts that come into our mind but holding on to those is going to keep you down and discouraged. Keeping your mind positive and your journey with progress that much faster.
5. Remember why you started! You created this goal because it was important to you! Whether it is to be healthier in your body, happier in your career or more loving in your marriage. There is something that sparked this idea that you wanted to make a change in your life. It is something you find valuable. Don't give up on that!
Like and share if this is helpful!
In love and light,
Fit Therapist
Alicia Marlieb, M.Ed
IG: fit_therapy_counseling
FB: @fittherapycounseling
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