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28 Days of Loving Yourself

The theme for February as we all know it as Love. My boss has proposed a February Challenge of "28 days of loving yourself." In this challenge she suggested doing three sun salutations, a series of yoga moves displayed below, everyday for the entire month of February. I began practicing yoga over a year ago due to a back injury and fell in love with the practice. It is a complete exercise for your mind, body and spirit. Yoga is proven to not only help with physical aliments but decreases stress and increase self awareness. Needless to say over the past month and a half I have abandoned my practice. Consequently, I took this challenge wholeheartedly. On day two of the challenge, I realized I did not know how much my body missed yoga. This month I challenge you to do something for yourself that will help show you love yourself whether that be three sun salutations a day, performing daily meditation, going to your favorite place or spending time doing something that feeds your soul. Remember we can not truly love someone else unless we love ourselves first. Taking care and loving yourself is not selfish it is necessary. How will you love yourself not just on Valentine's day but everyday in February?

For Further Reading Check out:
The Health Benefits Of Yoga: A Comparative Study 

To Learn How To Do Sun Salutations:
or  look below

Spreading the Love,
Future Therapist 


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