I have talked about getting fit in 2014 and how to train your brain for over all physical and memory health, however there are some resilient factors that mentally strong people display that lead to overall emotional and behavioral wellness. In all honesty, the world is a dog eat dog place and evolutionarily
speaking, we as humans need to adapt to better survive. According to the
article by Amy Morin, a fellow psychotherapist, there are 13 factors that mentally strong people carry out that I will provide my opinion on below
Don’t Waste Time Feeling Sorry for Themselves
Instead of having a pity party, mentally strong individuals are
proactive in making their situation better. Like I said, life can be difficult
and I am not minimizing anyone’s situation, however those who are most
resilient don’t wallow in their sadness and troubles.
Don’t Give Away Their Power
No matter what happens to you or what
anyone says, you have the ability to decide how you will react to that. If
someone is being negative or putting you down you have the power and mental
ability to decide to take their words to heart. You are in control of yourself,
your behaviors and your emotions.
Don’t Shy Away from Change
Mentally strong individuals see change as
an opportunity for something better and personal growth. They do not turn away
from it but forge forward with vengeance.
Don’t Waste Energy on Things They Can’t Control
Life is unexpected and we cannot waste
productive energy on things we cannot control, because there are a lot of them.
We can only manage our reaction and attitude towards the situation and move on.
Don’t Worry About Pleasing Everyone
Through my life I have learned no matter
the situation, someone will be unhappy with the outcome. That might not even
have anything to do with you. Therefore people pleasing is wasted energy. Be
kind and considerate but stand up for yourself and others. Too many people don’t
advocate for themselves in fear they will hurt someone’s feelings. If you are
not taking a stand for yourself, who will?
They Don’t Fear Taking Calculated Risks
The article mentions that mentally strong
people outweigh the risks and benefits of every situation and don’t make rash
decisions. I think that this is important to do but some mentally strong people
trust their “gut” on whether a venture is positive for them. It is all about
their self confidence and flexibility.
Don’t Dwell on the Past
The thing about the past is that it cannot
be changed. We can’t live our life wondering “what if.” Instead, we can learn
from those experiences and mistakes and use them in our future endeavors while
enjoying the present moment and freeing ourselves from worry. One of my
favorite quotes is:
you are depressed you are living in the past, if you are anxious you are living
in the future and if you are at peace you are living in the present moment” –Lao
They Don’t Make the Same Mistakes Over and Over
We are human, we all make mistakes.
However learn from your past mistakes, accept responsibility for your actions
and use this as full to push you forward.
They Don’t Resent Other People’s Success
I was going to add my opinion to this
factor. However Amy wrote it perfectly: “Mentally strong people can appreciate
and celebrate other people’s success in life. They don’t grow jealous or feel
cheated when others surpass them. Instead, they recognize that success comes
with hard work, and they are willing to work hard for their own chance at
Don’t Give Up After the First Failure
You cannot fail at
anything if you are not trying new things. With experiencing failure we will
never learn or appreciate success. Mentally strong people see failure as
opportunity for improvement and use that to help further their goals and
Don’t Fear Alone Time
Alone time is
honestly one of my most favorite things. It is quality time with yourself, to
give yourself what you need. It allows you to become aware of your thoughts and
relax. Too many people don’t take the time with themselves. This allows for
reflection and silence from the busy world. If you don’t like being with
yourself, then why should other people. While the company of friends and family is important, you have
to learn to be happy by yourself until you can truly maintain this happiness
amongst others. Meditation is a great way to have “you time” (article to come).
Don’t Feel the World Owes Them Anything
Mentally strong
people do not have a sense of entitlement. They don’t feel they are owed
anything in life and are willing to work towards success. They also promote
other’s success as mentioned in #9. They have to strength to care for
themselves and support others.
They Don’t Expect Immediate Results
Anything worth
having takes hard work and dedication. Whether it is a new fitness regiment, a
new career, starting college, or beginning your road to happiness. It is going
to take some time to get to the point of personal success. Mentally strong
people are aware of that and slowly climb towards their ultimate goals.
Overall, mentally
strong people are “strong” because they know that they have personal power and
are in control of themselves and their emotions. They have the confidence to
persist in any situation. They take time and care for themselves. Mentally
strong individuals work hard towards their goals and see failures as
opportunities for growth. They promote success and others and are not afraid to
have differing opinions. Overall, I think that this was a great and
motivational article to read for 2014. Let me know what you think in the
comments below.
Until Next time.
Future Therapist
"Be kind and considerate but stand up for yourself and others."
ReplyDeleteLoving this part. Very few people know how to be competitive I'm combination with kindness. This is what has granted me access through many doorways especially when I didn't the competition. Make this quote your foundation and developed your competitive spirits and life will be a victory while winning (& losing, unfortunately).