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Blog update

Now that I have graduated and am working as a full time therapist in an adult outpatient treatment center, this blog will no longer follow me through the pursuit of my career but addressing issues I come across in practice and life. Since graduation, I have pursued new fitness goals as a figure competitor. Since May I have competed in two shows with the National Gym Association. In my first competition, I placed 3rd place in novice (a category for individual participating in their first show) and 4th place in overall figure (for people in the category of all ages, heights and experiences. Not to bad for my first show, I must say. In my second competition, I received 1st in Figure short class and 4th overall figure. Next season, I hope to better my physique and receive professional status within the NGA. I also hope to experience competitions in other natural organizations.

With these changes in my personal and professional life, instead of writing from the perspective of a "future therapist," I will give you tips and tricks to achieve over wellness from a "fit therapist." After all health is dynamic and does not just include mental health but physical, emotional and spiritual soundness as well.  So join me on my fit journey and I hope you find some inspiration to pursue your goals to overall wellness.


FIT Therapist


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