Recently I have been feeling a bit down due to just going though the motions of my daily life. Yes, even therapists get down sometimes too! I wake up go to work and help my clients. After a 9 hour day, I head into 5 pm traffic to go to the gym. Hit my usual workout and go home to eat, shower, go to bed. Just to do it all the next day. I am the kind of person who likes to set goals for myself so I don't get this stagnant feeling! I hate the feeling! Since I just crushed my goal of passing my states license exam. I am craving something new. How to do I stay inspired while doing the same ole thing everyday? Then I remembered Viktor Frankl's logotherapy! Frankl was a neurologist, psychiatrist and Holocaust survivor. He is the famous author of Man's Search for Meaning. Frankl believed man searched for the meaning of life under all circumstances even suffering. Frankl thought that life meaning was created in three ways: 1. By experiencing something fully or feeling love...
This blog will contribute to mental health topics including body image, self esteem, depression, anxiety and other diagnosis as well as the relationship between physical health/ fitness and health. If you are looking for inspirational stories, encouragement and information to help you achieve overall health and wellness mentally, physically and spiritually. This is the blog for you!